Auto Choice

This was a freelance graphic design project I did for a local used car dealership who was looking to update their signage and business materials.

The original logo.

The original logo.

Phase 1 of concepts exploring simple layouts.

Phase 1 of concepts exploring simple layouts.

Phase 2 concepts exploring logos with apparel and business cards.

Phase 2 concepts exploring logos with apparel and business cards.


Phase 3 concepts after ‘AC’ logo is selected, exploring different initial layouts for sign and business cards.

Phase 4 concepts exploring a different color palette with the logo and testing with signs and license plates.

Final design for the sign.

Final design for the sign.

Final design for the business cards for both long term and temporary card holders including the backside.

Branding decal design for retail lot cars.

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Final design for license plate covers for retail lot cars.


How to improve election engagement and participation among young adults?



How can facilities be optimized for visitors to efficiently utilize, share, and access its space and resources?

Persintrarch is a program that uses IoT sensors to understand how a space is used to assess its effectiveness and identify pain points and how it can be improved.

example sensor from Xovis 3D Technology.

example sensor from Xovis 3D Technology.


Fashion Illustration

Spring/Summer 2020 Collection for Tracy Reese

For this project, I envisioned 10 looks infusing my style into Tracy Reese’s design language for a spring/summer collection. The vivid colors, patterns, flowing fabrics, and natural themes of Tracy Reese come together with my abstract and vintage influences to inspire these looks.


A children’s crib and love seat hybrid that emphasizes sustainability through lifecycle.

Many young people today that will be the parents of tomorrow, are conscious consumers who value sustainability and quality in the products and goods that they purchase.

Early Ideations on various baby products.

Early Ideations on various baby products.

Cribs are generally large in size and short in product lifecycle. The goal of the Crūv is to extend the lifecycle of the crib by transforming into a loveseat that can be used by the family afterwards.

Approaching the challenges of conversion in regards to components like the arms, walls, mattresses and storage.

Approaching the challenges of conversion in regards to components like the arms, walls, mattresses and storage.

Exploring average love seat dimensions and comparing them to the standardized internal measurements of a crib as according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Exploring average love seat dimensions and comparing them to the standardized internal measurements of a crib as according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

The prototype is constructed from hardboard and wooden strapping.

The prototype is constructed from hardboard and wooden strapping.

Upper row: In crib modeBottom row: In love seat mode

Upper row: In crib mode

Bottom row: In love seat mode

Norske Remodelling

Logo and typography design for a remodeling company.

final design

final design

Various ideations


Mornings can be stressful in households for families. Parents often face the challenge of juggling getting ready for work and helping their young children prepare for school. The kitchen is often the epicenter of this chaos.

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The goal of the B.Fast Station is to empower young children to prepare breakfast and/or school snacks and lunches themselves and to thus relieve some morning stress on busy parents.

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B.Fast concept sketches.

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Some early sketches exploring ideas around accessibility in the kitchen setting.

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Compact Treadmill

Not everyone has the space to designate towards personal exercise equipment. The compact treadmill attempts to break down the monolithic structure of the traditional treadmill to its barest essentials to improve its spacial efficiency and convenience.

I gave the compact treadmill Brookstone branding as it is a company that makes technology products for the home and personal care.

Initial concept ideations.

Physical prototypes including a blue foam exploration finding to scale width dimensions as well as screen angle and adjustment and a simple scale model of the components.

Here is the treadmill in use.

Here is an exploded view visualizing the internal components.

Here is an exploded view visualizing the internal components.

Shop Stool

A compact stool/side table designed and prototyped out of birch plywood using a dowel rod and glue construction.

The layout

The layout

The construction process

Portable Espresso Maker

Enjoy the pleasure of espresso on the go. This espresso maker is manually powered and just requires hot water and ground espresso. It is compact enough to be taken outdoors and used in an environment where the flavor and caffeine of an espresso shot is desired but not necessarily readily available.

The downward force of the corkscrew plunger creates the pressure to brew the espresso by pressing the hot water through the finely ground espresso. The nested assembly allows access for convenient cleaning.

1-2: Remove portafilter.3-4: Add 18 grams of ground espresso and tamp in basket.5-6: Re-insert portafilter, remove cap and add near boiling hot water in top.7: Turn lid and force hot water down through the grind and enjoy espresso.

1-2: Remove portafilter.

3-4: Add 18 grams of ground espresso and tamp in basket.

5-6: Re-insert portafilter, remove cap and add near boiling hot water in top.

7: Turn lid and force hot water down through the grind and enjoy espresso.

Early hand held espresso maker concept sketches.

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Product Rendering Concepts

Various quick concepts ranging from fixtures to furniture and soft goods.

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Supermarket Kiosk

How can the self-checkout kiosk, a workhorse of modern urban grocery shopping, be refreshed to better encompass the human factors of its users?

The self-checkout kiosk is a collage of text instructions for use as well as promotions. The large block shaped pedestal is un-intuitive for wheel chair users to get close enough to comfortably scan their items.

The self-checkout kiosk is a collage of text instructions for use as well as promotions. The large block shaped pedestal is un-intuitive for wheel chair users to get close enough to comfortably scan their items.

I used the Henry Dreyfuss’ book The Measure of Man: Human Factors in Design as a helpful guide to take deep exploration into finding a balance in measurement to accommodate a variety of users. I considered average sight lines and reaches for standing and sitting users.

Construction of the final prototype took a mix of media including wood, cardboard, chipboard, acrylic, yellow foam and even some large text books to serve as counterweight!